Thursday, December 13, 2007

Finesse and Warmth

I tend to be heavy handed in a lot of things, spices in food, starting
too many projects at once (I have 3 knitting projects going and all my good needles are now indisposed), eating too much good food, exercising until I can't see straight, getting emotionally wrapped up in things that should be the most minor of priorities. Which makes for a never ending string of suprises that I can lose weight by reducing food by a little, that exercise is just as useful if I do it in moderation, and that spices can be marvelous even when they are subtle.
For some reason, my heavy handedness tends to make some things less believable to me to. Like fingerless gloves. If my whole hand and fingers aren't covered by an insulating glove, how on earth are fingerless gloves useful? It makes no sense to me. I like the concept, but it seemed more fashionable than useful to me.
I've been sitting at this keyboard for the last few days freezing my fingers off, even w/ socks, slippers and a hat, my fingers won't stay warm. And gloves make typing impossible.
On a whim I decided I'd try to make handwarmers. Cause I have a lot of little balls of yarn that are not quite being enough for scarves or hats. I did a gauge, measured up my hand and whipped one up in about 2 hours. It fits my hand snuggly, stays in place, and only needs minor adjustments for the next one. I can type and knit with it on, and my left hand is now significantly warmer than the bare one. Surprise, fingerless gloves work, even without fingers. I've converted myself into a believer. And now I can't knit the other one fast enough.

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