Friday, January 18, 2008

Saw Cloverfield - no spoilers

After being scared for that long, I'm totally primed to be jumpy and overly concerned about things under the bed. I'm glad I have someone to cling to tonight.

Devon had to peel my fingers off his arm several times during the movie. I'm not a fan of 'unsteady cam' and covered my eyes several times to ward off the nausea. It had a blair witchian feel.

It had more scary moments than Sunshine, but then, I hated the whole sun zombie thing in that movie. I made the mistake of going into Sunshine thinking it was sci fi, not horror. I don't do horror, except on rare occasion w/ drinking buddies, and even then it's cheesy, chainsaw, buckets of blood, b movie horror. The gratuitous special effects in Sunshine, like when the frozen astronaut goes floating into space and smashes into bits, burns itself into my memory and I hate that kind of visual. See, I'm trying to talk about another scary movie in the hopes that I will distract myself from Cloverfield. My jaw hung open several times during Cloverfield, and my mouth was dry afterwards. I guess that's as good a response as any to this kind of movie.

We saw it at a free Paramount screening, after some (always) excellent food at Crown of India. They make curries thar are lick-the-bowl good. I wanted a spatula when scrapping leftovers into my box, so I wouldn't miss any sauce. Yumness.

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