Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thing a day 3 - Created knitters

To sequester myself from the super bowl insanity, I did a knitting workshop for 12 women. A couple were there for review, but most were new knitters. I think creating 12 new knitters in the world definitely counts toward Thing a Day. It's always interesting that some people catch on in 2 minutes and can get the movements down right away (even w/ no previous needlework experience). Then others can go for weeks or months and never pick it up. Some were so excited they stayed up late into the evening knitting their new scarf, and raved about it at work the next day. With such a positive response, I think I'll host it again. I liked even though everyone was excited to learn, it was a low key and relaxed event.

Also baked 3 batches of scones. My classic buttermilk recipe in blueberry lemon and cranberry orange. I love that recipe, and they only take 10 min to bake, so I can whip them out in no time.

Tangerines are peak season right now, so I had a 5lb bowl of of them on the table. The scones were snatched up quickly, but only 1 tangerine was eaten the entire day. Now what am I gonna do w/ 5lbs of fresh tangerines? The skins are too soft and rumply to zest. Guess I could juice them if I can't find takers in the next day or so.

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